Help me make a difference!
I'm taking on The Smith Family Challenge 2025 to help children in need to break the cycle of disadvantage through education.
Over 2 days I will run, mountain bike and kayak over 100km through the course to reach the finish line.
Its going to be TOUGH! But the hard work was all be worth it so that I can help kids in need with their education.
In Australia, 1 in 6 Children are growing up in disadvantaged homes, where even the basics in life are hard to come by.
But supporting their education is the key to breaking this cycle!
Your donation will give these kids the essentials they need like school books, bags, uniforms, shoes and extra help at school.
Thanks for your support (and wish me luck!)
So far this year, I have helped provide:

School Essentials Packs

reading buddies and books

children with their education
I’ve raised $ 201,069 over 14 years
Thank you to my Sponsors


Kareena Private Hospital
All the best for the day!

Mike Dixon

Harry Koumoukelis
I will join you one year !!

Pip And Caz
Go Team Dixon, 14 years and your still going strong, you LEGEND!

Jeremy Locke
Awesome work Dicko 💪

Go team Dixon tribe!


Mark Fleming
Best of luck on the big weekend. Vat hom fluffy

Dee De Bruyn
Well done legend!

Jeremy Kong
Well done as always , each year you do this Dicko ! What a great cause .

Philip Zylstra
Go hard Dicko

Andrew Foxton
Go well Dicko!

Rob Dulieu
Well done Dicko.

John Zylstra
Good luck Dicko

Angus And Val
Huge effort Mike. 14th event. Sensational

Tom Booth

Sophie Dixon
Hope you absolutely smash it Uncle Mike!!

Max Dixon
It's your 14th year doing the Smith Family Challenge and also your 14th year without any toenails!

Charlie Dixon
Good luck Dad! We’re all so proud of you for fundraising for those less fortunate every year, it’s amazing what you and your team have been able to accomplish. Love you so much.
Good luck. Well done for raising money for such a wonderful charity