Our BIG Challenge to help children in need!
This MARCH we are taking on The Smith Family Challenge 2025! We will run, mountain bike, kayak and navigate our way through the bush, over mountains and up rivers to complete the course.
Over 2 days we'll cover more than 100km!!
It's going to be tough but the effort will be worth it so that kids in need can break the poverty cycle.
In Australia, 1 in 6 children are growing up in disadvantaged homes, where even the basics in life are hard to come by.
But supporting their education is the key to breaking the cycle of disadvantage.
Your donation will give children in need essentials like school books, bags, uniforms, shoes and the help they need to keep up at school.
Thanks for your support! (and wish us luck!)
So far this year, our team has helped provide:

School Essentials Packs

reading buddies and books

children with their education
Our Achievements

Thank you to our Sponsors

Tom Roche

Matt Loxton

Good luck. Well done for raising money for such a wonderful charity

Wilson Asset Management

Great Cause - Great Effort !!!

Kareena Private Hospital
All the best for the day!

White Bison

Lodovico De Briganti

Andrew Lennox

Russell Reid

Mike Dixon

Tom Roche

Pedro Carrilho
Go Matt! Wish I was there with you mate!

Marlene Reid Oam
Take care and you are a great ambassador for your family, taking time to help others.

Kevin Roche

Anthony Keldoulis


Fiona Reid
From me and the girls. Amazing effort. Good luck! Xx

Harry Koumoukelis
I will join you one year !!

Pip And Caz
Go Team Dixon, 14 years and your still going strong, you LEGEND!

Go titanium boy

Ord Minnett

Matthew Loxton

Good luck

Philip Moffitt


Fantastic cause, best of luck!

Alan Bootes

J C Robinson & Co Pty Ltd
All the best Tom, 15 years is an amazing achievement!

Jeremy Locke
Awesome work Dicko 💪

Go team Dixon tribe!

Kenneth Raphael
Break a leg Mat!!

Pedro Carrilho
Lodo, you rock! Well done sir. Always an inspiration.

Mobius Marketing And Design Consultants
Tom, I'm looking forward to hearing how well you went! Good on you for supporting this great cause.

Shearwater Manion Mccosker

David White

David Francis
Good on you Russell. Go hard young man!

Martin Roughley
Good on you Lodovico. A beggar for punishment but for a great cause!

Francesco De Stradis


Catherine Remond
Well done Matt You are an inspiration!!

Bernard Remond
hip hip aplay

John Zylstra
Good luck Russ

Glen Zell
sounds like you now have the Steve Austin advantage!

May-sen Lee
Amazing. Well done

James Jennings
Go Matt - super impressive that you doing it on two new hips . Good luck

Fred Chilton
Hope the weather is OK. Don't bust a gut!

Nick Mccready

Mark Fleming
Best of luck on the big weekend. Vat hom fluffy

Tony Suters
Good luck Russell, enjoy best regards Tony

Tom Snow
Go Russell!!

Dee De Bruyn
Well done legend!

Jeremy Kong
Well done as always , each year you do this Dicko ! What a great cause .

Paolo Albertoni
Bravo Lodo!

Philip Zylstra
Go hard Dicko

Ivan Power
Wow - inspiring Matt!

John White

James Rudder

Andrew Foxton
Go well Dicko!

Peter Mcmahon
Great effort Matt!

Rob Dulieu
Well done Dicko.

Philip Zylstra

Mark Stephens
Stay strong Stallione

Mammoth Capital
Good luck T-bone!

Nicholas Roche
We don’t want you out of action with an injury. Don’t adjust the settings on your bike suspension this time!

Robert Buckland
Apparently it was quite difficult this year!

Maj L
Hip hip hooray! (Sorry, I couldn't help myself). All the best, Matt. You're a legend.

John Zylstra
Good luck Dicko

Peter Harper
Great work Matt.... At it again even after all you've been through! Go well mate!

John Zylstra
Good luck!

Jet Technologies

Mark Landau
Good on you Matt!

Angus And Val
Huge effort Mike. 14th event. Sensational

Judith Dew
Matt Don't damage those new hips!

Neil Fergus
Great cause and great work Tom. Best of luck overcoming the course this year.

Neil Irving

Ian Stone

Simon Ranson
Go bionic man!

Diane Jenner
You're insane - in a good way!

Russell Carson

Awesome effort - have an enjoyable weekend

Rob Tuck
Keep up the good work buddy!

Chris & Simone Witt
Well done Lads! Send us pics and another hilarious letter about your adventures!

What a great thing to do for a wonderful cause

Jeanette Alston

Spry Roughley & Co

Paul Salter
Hope you can beat half the field as usual!

Marilyn Boyer
Go Matt- superman!!

Paul Chappell
Well Done Lodo

Antony Flutey

Josh Roche
Go dad go!

Luca Pasquali
Good luck Lodovico!

Andrew Foxton
Go well Russ!

Gabriella Franzini
Bravo DeBri a non demordere. Grande ammirazione!

Oliviero Albini
Dajeeeee Debri!!!!

Malcolm Bell
Good Luck with it Russell - you are a good man

Ruby Tran
Great cause. Good luck Russell!

Annmaree Mcgrath
Good luck Rusell

Carolyn Ayre
Well done Matthew, give your new hips a good go. Take care.


Suzie Cooper
Go well Lodovico and enjoy!!!

Landry Meunier
Well done Lodovico, 13 years !! All the best for the challenge :)

Jess Tran
Go Russell!

Jane Neale
Good Luck Lodovico!!

Gary Belgre
Inspirational stuff my friend!

Christopher Kloster

Andrea Pelucchi
In alto lo spirito dei Bislunghji !!!

Karen Monteath

Gary Whelan
One way to beat Jet lag !!

Hugh Richards
Good on you Matt

David Cann
Well done Russ, these kids deserve everything we can give them.

Shaw Downie


Crusader Hose
Inspirational Matthew. Hope you feel good.

Kim & Paul
You are the bionic man now! Go Matt 🙂

Ian Muddle
Bravo Debri!

Mary Owens

Michael White

Love it Russell!

Michael Winston-smith
Go you Bionic man

Charlie Chirnside
unbelievable how you just keep fronting up for this mate ...well done and good luck!

Evan Lewis
Those bones are not getting any younger , good luck !

Bob Lu
Great cause and great Work! Enjoy and have fund along the way.

Brad Burke
Well done Debris!!

I love to see you doing the things I can't. Keep it up and stay smiling to the end.

Roger Bayliss

Sam&missy Sproats
Nothing stops you from Matt Loxton !

Stoked to support you legends smashing this year’s Smith Family Challenge again! Back each other up, stay sharp, and give it a red-hot go!

David Doolan
Great work Russell - happy to be on board

Tom Booth

Michael Arthur

Yianni Tsathas
Good on you Russ! All the best for the couple of days, looking forward to hearing how you go.

Mark Purtill
Good to see you're never too old for this punishment Russ - great work, a great cause and you're a great man!

Shaw Downie

Sophie Deng
Good luck! Russell


Peter Bettridge

Grant Mcdowell
All the best Lodovico.

Mark Boyle
Good luck Russ

Ryan Murray

Matt you are crazy!! Take it easy, which you won't do and enjoy. Brilliant effort

Angela Jerenko
Russell I'm sure you are going to nail it to the end.

Good luck Rusty!

Nigel Littlewood

Debbie Hussein
Good luck Russ!

Sylvia Liang
Legendary Russ!

Tommaso De Briganti
Forza babbo

Guy O'connell
Wishing you all the best with this adventure in your new bionic body. Love Liz, Guy & the kids x


Darren Chinnappa
Nice work Russ on pushing your body through pain yet again for a good cause!

Sophie Dixon
Hope you absolutely smash it Uncle Mike!!

Ming Kei Lam

Silvio Del Vecchio
Amazing story Matt. Go well.

Mark And Fran Wasserman

Anita Cohen
Good luck Russelll - safe riding

Max Dixon
It's your 14th year doing the Smith Family Challenge and also your 14th year without any toenails!

Jacqueline Butler
Good luck Rusell. I look forward to seeing the photos and hearing all about it. A great cause.

Sarah Moore

Maureen O'reilly
Russell - Best of Luck - don't overdo it. If you can - try to come in last or in the last 10.

Joanne Arancibbia
Your commitment to this challenge every year inspires me. Massive kudos and all the best!

Michelle Xerri

Claire Guo
Amazing effort!

Charlie Dixon
Good luck Dad! We’re all so proud of you for fundraising for those less fortunate every year, it’s amazing what you and your team have been able to accomplish. Love you so much.